I'm stressed, you're stressed, we are all stressed!

blog ladies Apr 24, 2023

We go through hard times, everyone does it’s just a part of life and if we never experienced hard times we would never know nor appreciate the good times…

Everyone’s stresses are different and in my career I hear a so many stories on a weekly basis whether it’s girls drowning in debt, uni, work, events or relationships – the core of these stresses usually involves us trying to juggling and deal with too many things at once or trying to keep everyone happy thus suffering emotionally.

These bricks of stress build daily stacking away, we don’t deal with them, we just keep adding to the pile and before we know it there is a wall. A big arse unstable wall that is about to crash and fall.

Sounds all familiar right?

What people forget is that they are never alone in any situation.

What people also don’t realise is that by pushing the stresses lower and deeper will not make them go away. (as much as we try!)

And what people REALLY don’t understand is that if they address their stresses it can help relieve them. (wait what?)

Some tips on how I juggle my sometimes overwhelming, hectic yet exciting life involve two simple things:

-Ask for help! Sounds simple right? That’s because it is! I’m talking anything from dishes to financial – if you need help, just ask if you’re surrounding yourself with people that love you, they will always be wanting to help take a weight off your shoulders.I know we like to think we can do and handle absolutely everything but truth be told we will be more productive if we just let go of the reins every once and a while – and hey, if the hubby washes the dishes I’m not going to complain!

-Take a break – Every 3 months Matt & I get away, yes we love our business and everyone involved and that’s why we feel it’s an important key – if we are tired, grumpy and stressed it reflects directly back onto the people around us. A week away allows our bodies & mind to re-charge. Can’t get o/s? Maybe a weekend away interstate or at a very minimum a night out with dinner, drinks and a movie…

So where I’m going with this is I get stressed (my body literally started breaking down as a sign to say you need to slow the f*ck down and calm the f*ck down!), you get stressed, the person next to you gets stressed – it’s a part of life don’t let your bricks pile up only just to crash and fall – address the issue and turn your brick wall into a pavement of success.

Stay Strong & Stretch,

Tel X

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