$87.00 AUD

ThePilatesBOD Postpartum

  • Rebuild your core the right way all in the comfort of your own home.

    How ThePilatesBOD Postpartum Works

    ThePilatesBOD Postpartum is a full body re-building Pilates program especially made for Mums!

    ThePilatesBOD Postpartum knows your body looks different, feels different and works different.

    Prepare to flow through 5 weeks of re-connecting with your body, focusing on all the major concerns we have after giving birth such as ab separation, aching lower back, poor postural muscles and weak pelvic floor - each Pilates session will leave you re-discovering muscles you forgot you had!

    Over the next 5 weeks we are going to focus on 3 main areas:

    • 1) REBUILD CORE STRENGTH - This includes improving any ab separation you may have by teaching you how to activate your deepest abdominal muscles to ensure you build strength and control when it comes to activating your core.

    • 2) IMPROVE POSTURE - Wow, who would have thought these tiny little babies could be SO heavy!!! Holding kids in general takes a HUGE toll on your posture - so we will be focusing on stretching any tight muscles such at your chest and strengthening our entire posterior chain (back side of the body) to ensure our posture stands nice and tall.

    • 3) STRENGTHEN PELVIC FLOOR - We will go through pelvic floor activation exercises which will create endurance and strength within the body to allow you to cough, run, jump and sneeze with confidence.

    As Mum's are super time poor ThePilatesBOD Postpartum program allows you have the freedom to work through at your own pace but ideally you complete the x3 20-30min Pilates sessions per week.

    (All Pilates movements within ThePilatesBOD Postpartum program are low impact and SAFE for women whom have a weak core, sore lower back and ab separation but in the case you are unsure it is always best to check with your Dr before starting.)